
Evgeniya Krivitskaya

Yevgenia KRIVITSKAYA is an organist, teacher, and music critic. Doctor of art history, Professor at the Moscow Conservatory, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Musical life", founder of the only specialized magazine in Russia "Organ".

Among his scientific works: monograph "History of French organ music" (Moscow, 2003, 2010), "Music of France: the twentieth century" (Moscow, 2012), more than 400 scientific and critical articles. 

Currently, he successfully combines teaching, research, performing and producing activities.

Winner of grants from the President of the Russian Federation to support creative projects of national importance in the field of culture and art (2011, 2015) for the preparation and publication of encyclopedias "Organ culture of Russia", "Music museums of Russia". As part of the "Open stage" project Of the Moscow Department of culture, she was the art Director of the world premiere of the ballet "Laura" by D. Krivitsky (2010); she held the festival "Days of music by D. Krivitsky" (2012) for the 75th anniversary of the composer's birth. In 2014, Yevgenia Krivitskaya's project " Russia-great Britain: dialogue of cultures "was included in the Federal program"Culture of Russia".

Yevgenia Krivitskaya actively performs in Russia and abroad, playing in the largest Russian halls with well-known performing groups and soloists. Since 2012, he has been involved in the development of a special direction in concert practice, which can be described as a" concert-performance " that combines music and words, playing instruments and dramatic action.

In 2013, she took part as an expert in the acceptance of the organ of the Bolshoi theatre of Russia, and then-as the author of the concept and performer - in the opening Concert of the Bolshoi theatre organ, held on may 13, 2013 on the historical (main) stage.  There, towards the year of literature, she took part (as the author of the concept and performer) in the literary and musical composition "Triumph of the muses" (2014). In 2016, a series of organ concerts "Baroque Magic" was launched at the Helikon Opera.

She acted as artistic Director of the world premiere of A. Alyabiev's Opera "the Tempest", shown as part of the events of the cross-Cultural year of great Britain and Russia at the festivals "English seasons in Tsaritsyno", "December evenings of Svyatoslav Richter-2014". For this work, E. Krivitskaya was awarded the Moscow Prize (2016).

He is the author of the idea and art Director of the children's educational project "Pushkin's Tales", which was successfully held in the Great hall of the presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, in the Moscow and Belgorod Philharmonic halls.

As an organist, she participated in international festivals: "Harmonie d'autumn" in Paris (2013, 2015), Organ festival in Malta (2015), "Frau Organ" in Chelyabinsk (2015, 2016), the IX Winter international art festival of Yuri Bashmet in Sochi, the III TRANS-Siberian art festival of Vadim Repin in Novosibirsk, "Vladimir Spivakov invites..." in Perm, the Sakharov festival in Nizhny Novgorod, "Stars on Baikal" by Denis Matsuev.

Yevgenia Krivitskaya's recordings are broadcast on Orpheus radio and on the Kultura TV channel