The present edition is prepared on the basis of the musical edition “Etyudy dlya violoncheli solo” [“Etudes for Cello Solo”] (Moscow: Sovetsky kompozitor, 1960).
From the editor
The etudes are very «high-bread» — I have the impression that I have spoken to Alexander Pavlovich S. At times I was fascianted, at other times I did not agree, but I was glad that I had theconversation.
From my perspective, there etudes must be given to a student who is already prepared, who possesses good playing skills. Their aim is to expand his or her horizon in the choice of fingerings and, consequently, to expand the horizon of thinking, in order to make use of the various opportunities of the instrument, as well as of the particularies of the pupil’s physiological structure: from the sizes of the fingers and their suppleness to the overall height of the concrete student and the lengths of his or her arms.
Ivan Syomkin, Associate Professor, taught the cello at the Moscow M.A. Sholokhov State Humanitarian University (MGGU) during the course of ten years (1999-2009)
Editor Ivan Syomkin
Music Set Alexandr Donskoy